Shona MacArthur
Adopt a Piano | Maker
Music gradually became a bigger part of my life after finishing my studies in environmental science, and thanks to friends back home in the Alps, I became immersed in piano-world. I was playing a lot, so I had an eye out for anything piano related, and was captivated by the Pianodrome as soon as I found out about it. I went straight to the warehouse, where I met Tom and Matt, and saw the Pianodrome with my own eyes for the first time. I loved everything about the structure and the space, the shelves of stacked piano parts, the sculptures, the little piano people dancing on keys. I was lucky to be there just as the Resonancy at the Old Royal High was beginning, and got the chance to volunteer and be as involved as possible. I spent the day before I left for summer with Tim, Mirra and Ben repairing an old piano, discovering how each little piece of the action moves and works. Being able to take part was so interesting and motivating, especially among such a welcoming group of people.
I joined Tom in the Adopt a Piano showroom during spring 2023, where we fix and tune pianos that can be saved from being discarded. It’s wonderful to help people find a piano for their home, giving a new life of music to the instrument and the musicians.
I hope to continue learning, fixing pianos and repurposing the saved materials (Tim helped me design my beautiful piano desk I am also interested in exploring ways to bring together my different interests and scientific background in creative ways, and seeing what exciting projects will happen in the future.