Piano Trail
We were delighted to present 10 new sculptures in public spaces across Leeds city centre, for Leeds International Piano Festival 2021. The interactive and engaging sculptures were located across the city centre from 4 to 19 September 2021.
Take a closer look at the sculptures below with short videos made by Paul Maguire with some images and additional footage from Anthony Ravelo.
In addition, responding to the ten original Pianodrome sculptures, five artists and five community groups all local to Leeds have each transformed playable piano manifesting a parallel piano trail in musical and thematic dialogue with the Scots sculptures. Many thanks to all contributing artists and community groups.
Until we meet again.
Each of the discarded pianos that we use in our sculptures contains treasures; coins, hairclips, a torn postcard a century old, which weave stories of the people who played them and made them. The sculptures of the piano trail, open to all and scattered across public spaces in Leeds city centre may similarly become treasures for people to seek out or to stumble across, that tell a myriad of stories of the piano. We offer this gift to the people of Leeds in the hope that it will bring joy.